Friday, January 25, 2013

Niskayuna Painting

So, I'm from this town on the outskirts of Albany, NY known as Niskayuna, known to all the locals as 'Nisky'. I often get made fun of because Niskayuna means 'Fields of Corn' in some Native American language, I believe. But anyway, I took part in a painting competition in my town this past summer (again, I know this post is very late!)

It was one of the best experiences I've had. I got to paint outside with an absolutely fabulous group of artists from Nisky, and it was completely amazing. We had some adventures along the way too. The first day there was a torrential downpour, and my whole painting space in the Gazebo we were working in was underwater in minutes. 

I know it might not look that bad in the picture, but believe me, this was some serious rain. One of the artists was kind enough to lend me a much needed umbrella. 

This was done with Acrylics on a
16x20 Canvas

So this was my final piece from the Art-Out. The rules were that the painting had to be from something around the Niskayuna Town Circle, which is where the Town Hall is located, so I decided to do the street sign. 

Also, it won first place in the competition! I was very excited, there was so much talent from all the artists who participated.  
So I got my painting as the cover of a Holiday Card sent out by the town supervisor. It was  quite the exciting weekend!

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