Saturday, January 26, 2013

Different Painting Styles

I love to paint. I love the way the pain spreads, I love the brush strokes, and I absolutely love the intricate designs that paint can make. These next two paintings are ones that I've done, taking advantage of that intricacy. It's also very inspired by indian-style designs that have many different shapes and colors going at the same time. I also experimented with breaking the space up on a canvas in a geometric way, with some interesting diagonals. Both of these are done with Acrylic paints on canvas

La illaha il Allah Muhammad ur Rasoolullah
'There is no God but God and Muhammad is the Messenger of God'

Bismillah Hir Rahman Nir Raheem'In the Name of God, Most Beneficent, Most Merciful'

My artwork is usually very colorful and whimsical, and I like to experiment further with that style, while still maintaining the sophistication of the piece. In this next painting, I combined two painting styles: organic and geometric. The border is very organic and flows from one space to another and is very light and airy. The inner portion of the painting is much more rigid, but I love the effect that it created. The use of the metallic gold paint brought the border, the inner border and the lettering together cohesively. I made this painting for a client, as is now sold. It is done on canvas with Acrylic paint.

Ya Ali Madad'Oh Ali, Come to my Aid'

I recently tried my hand at glass paintings, after being inspired by some images of moroccan style jars that I thought were really beautiful. So I bought some old glass vases and containers from a flea market near my aunts house in West Virginia, painted them with glass paints and baked them. I had a hard time finding puff paint that would stay on glass and weren't meant to peel off. I ended up ordering some  Jones Tones Puff Paints in gold and silver, and went on my way. This was the end result:

The puff paints were a bit sticky even when they were completely dry, but a layer of modge podge pretty much took care of that. 

So now that I had this paint, I thought I'd see what would happen if I put it on a canvas. I just did a plain, gradient Acrylic color, a calligraphy and a little design. Kept it simple. This one was more popular than I had expected, so it might be something I'll explore again. 

Bismillah Hir Rahman Nir Raheem
"In the Name of God, Most Beneficent, Most Merciful"

So then for this one, I thought I'd go the opposite direction, and do something a little more modernistic. I had a lot of fun with this one, smudging colors and blending. The color scheme is a little more pastel-ish than I usually do. My friend Saba saw this one and claimed it right away! And it's so perfect for her. If you ever meet her, you can see how it fits her personality so well. Vibrant and spunky mixed with some serious iman (mA!). This is done with Acrylics on canvas.

Allahu Akbar'God is Great'

Finally, this last one was just a mix of intricate and funky. Since this canvas was so small I just did most of it as a border and layered the paint on pretty thick, so you can see the brush strokes in the center. I found a variation of this calligraphy online and tweaked it a bit to make it my own. This is done with acrylics on canvas. 


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