Sunday, February 24, 2013


Years ago I had started a painting with a pineapple, and an orange, and while I completed these two elements, I never got around to finishing it. Until recently. 

It had been sitting in my basement/studio for a while, until I finally dug it out and decided to finish it. I'm really happy with the way it turned out. I wanted to keep the fruit the focus of the painting, so I swirled the paint in light, blue/green colors. 

This is how the completed painting turned out. It's done with acrylic paints on a 12x24 canvas. 


Thanks Be to Allah

I've recently gotten back into painting fruits and slightly abstract still life paintings. I'm currently working on a new one for one of my oldest friends, Kate. She wants a Tryptic (3-panelled) painting for her kitchen in her apartment. So that's my newest project. Check back for the completed painting soon!

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