Friday, June 29, 2012

More Paintings

Here are some more calligraphies that I did about 3 years ago. The first one is a 15x30 inch acrylic on canvas.

Calligraphy Says:
La illaha il Allah Muhammad rasool Allah

There is only one God, and Muhammad is the messenger of God

This phrase is also called the shahada, and it represents the basic tenants of the Islamic belief. 

This painting is also acrylic on a 16x20 inch canvas. I decided to try a mosaic pattern on this painting, I thought it would be really neat if the background looked like shattered glass, or an opaque stained glass window. 

Calligraphy Says:
Allahu Akbar

God is Great

These calligraphies are based on designs that I found online, but I did alter the writing somewhat in order to make them my own. 

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